JUNE 2024

June 30th, 2024
Guys… we officially made it to SUMMER!!  
The season where we watch our crops grow, while also watching our weather app like crazy… always wishing for the opposite forecast of what is promised.  (when it comes to weather, us farmers are hard to please…)
This June was a bit different for me as I decided to not lamb this month.  Instead, we've been nicely catching up with management jobs at a nice steady pace instead of feeling rushed due to a pending lambing group.
Carissa and I use this time now to catch up on life, and random small talk making these tasks seem lighter somehow.
It's given our ewes a bit more of a reprieve too, which I hope helps improve overall health of my ladies.
I had a sad loss earlier this month with a ewe that went down hard with mastitis.  So I'm hoping with a little more space between lambing sessions, I can reduce the chance of mastitis as well. 
Speaking of animal health, last week got unbelievably hot.  And it came on fast, and intensively.
When this happens, it's hard on us… but equally hard on animals.
My freshly weaned lambs were no exception, with many going backwards in health and one little rescue lamb (I named him Peanut) was hit the hardest.
We've had some ok days, but more not ok ones.  And that never sits well with me.  
I've kept up with medication and painkillers, but his walking is still not improving.  Which means eventually I have to make a really hard decision.
Meanwhile, Mark has been busy finishing up some lingering fieldwork, we've done two different first cuts of hay, and he's been helping lay drainage tile, as well as plumbing and electrical runs for the new build.
He also went and injured his ankle earlier this month when he landed poorly at a rock climbing session.
Thankfully, the doctor proclaimed it was just a bad sprain, and he immediately got rid of the air boot, and exchanged it for his work boot.
The shop build is going well, and the builders hope to start framing in a couple weeks!
Which is good, because I've got some planned fall and winter launches that depend on having somewhere to fulfill the orders!
This past week, we had our soft launch where I was able to go through the entire selling, packing and shipping process here at home (literally in my basement… sorry about your old room, Jack.)
The launch went well, despite my overthinking and over panicking.  However, the packages are now sitting in the postal systems which always makes me sweat.
If you were a part of our basement launch, THANK YOU!!! 
For your support, but also for your patience as we work out all the bugs.
Since the launch, I've been in touch with fellow small business friends and one has got me with a shipping company that offers an app where I can hopefully get shipping costs and options better for you all going forward!
All part of the journey when starting a new thing. Stumbling on setbacks, then figuring a way around them.  
I'm sure I'll have my fair share of failures in the process, but it's in the failures that I've learned so much in my life.
Currently, the launch is sold out.  I've been getting lots of messages and emails asking if we will be doing a restock.  As of right now, the restocks will have to wait until the new building gets up.
July will have us in wheat harvest, and August is our next lambing group.
So I apologize, and again ask for your grace as we work towards having more things available once we get our new space.
Tomorrow we celebrate Canada Day here, and our neighbours to the south will have their 4th of July celebrations this week also.
Wishing you all a wonderful day as we celebrate everything our countries offer us.
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  • Just found your channel in the last week and am loving watching you with your sheep and lambing , watching the day to day farming activities and also family life as you manage all of this with love. Glad Jess is doing much better and she’s a gem! Best wishes to you and your family as well as all your wooly kiddos and doggies .

    Merrie Rogers
  • You give so many of us a reason to feel good Watching the little lambs and their mommy’s lifts my heart . You are so humble , so you make us feel like we can call you friend. As my mother in-law used to say.(they seem ordinary just like us.) your family is so hard working never balk when you ask for them to lend a hand. I know many of us wish our kids would be the Same.
    I see how hard it is for you to relive an animal from their suffering. It is done with dignity and tears but you let them know you care.
    So I your dream building is on it way. Mark is an amazing man. He it seems thinks no job is to big or hard.
    I love how you well you work together. I know it’s not all sunshine and roses but from what you show and tell us it all works well.
    Well I am sorry for taking up so much but of your time I just needed to let you know how much I care.I watch every reel. Thank you for giving me and
    so many others something to look forward too.


    Debbie Hayden

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