December 31st, 2023
We made it.
It is officially the last day of not only the month, but the year 2023.
A year I will always remember although sort of wish I could forget.
2023 will be remembered as the year we were introduced to cancer, and also be the year our daughter fought and beat it.
But reflecting back on this year, despite the turmoil, we have so much to be thankful for.
The biggest being each other… our family.
We witnessed a strength in 2023 that we didn't know we possessed until we gave our all to Jess.
It's weird.
Now that we are on the other side of this, I thought we would crumble. Like we've been just barely holding on for Jess's sake, and that when this nightmare was over, we would all break.
But we didn't.
In fact, instead of feeling broken, we feel relief. Like we've been holding our breath for months, and someone finally gave us an oxygen mask.
Life is slowly morphing back to what it once was, but I do feel like we are all a little more intentional with how we live it.
Summarizing this year seems a pretty daunting task with my exhausted post-lambing brain, so I thought I would do a month by month recap of significant moments.
Moments that you've followed along although maybe only virtually, I feel like in a way you've lived it alongside us.

1 comment
Where is the posting for the Jan. read?