November 29th, 2023
As we round into our LAST month of 2023, I can't wait to share what perhaps is the greatest early Christmas gift ever…
Yesterday, Jess had a follow up appointment to review her post chemo CT scans, and our sweet girl is officially CANCER FREE.
The scans and bloodwork were clear, which means a couple years of checkups and ultrasounds… but just as preventative maintenance.
And after news like this, the month of November seems so far in our rearview that I find it hard to remember what we did.
In fact, the whole year seems to be a murky blur that I find myself relying on old videos and pictures I've gathered on my phone to even believe we existed at all this year.
But we did exist.
More than that, we lived.
Moment by moment, day by day, month by month.
And that was our 2023.
So… November eh?
We started, and almost ended the month in the corn fields finishing just in time for the winter wonderland that I'm currently avoiding outside, by typing this newsletter… inside.
We immediately shut down (but didn't delete) our weather app the day the combine was put away, and let me tell you, that feels a whole lot like putting away a criminal that's been terrorizing the neighbourhood all year.
In the barns, we've been busy prepping for our next arrival of lambs scheduled to drop next Monday.
Jack celebrated birthday number 23… like how??  And Jess is wrapping up a couple online courses this week and I'm sure looking forward to blowing this popsicle stand to head back to school full time in January.
For me, November has also been spent organizing this winter launch that I can finally share with you all!!
And, please don't be mad… 
This launch has been a year (or more) in the making, and although it's missing a few things… we are going ahead anyway!!
I am so very proud of the creations headed your way, including a couple collections that are near and dear to my heart.
Thank you to everyone who has helped get this launch off the ground, everyone who has listened to me stress, and of course YOU, this community for giving me the opportunity to even try.
And as we wrap ourselves into this 2023 Christmas Season, I wish you all a very Happy and Healthy Holiday, but most especially, one surrounded by those you love.
Merry Christmas❤️
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1 comment

  • Hi Sandi,

    Looking forward to the advent calendar launch hopefully happening this year. Hope to be able to purchase last year’s if you are relaunching it as this was the first launch. When will this take place?

    Warm regards,

    Karen and Riley (Border Collie learning about sheep!!)


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