December 1st, 2024
There's two months of the year that I typically dread…
March and November.
Both months are similar in feel and appearance as even Mother Nature seems to paint these months with the same stroke… GREY.
One month awaiting that first bud on the tree, and the other having just lost the last remaining leaves that blasted the countryside with colour only one month prior.
Long story long, I don't love these two months of the year.
However, THIS November has proven to turn the tide perhaps.
Our fall has been unusually warm and dry, stretching out my favourite season and helping us get things done on the farm that otherwise can be dreadful when winter arrives early.
It's also been a month of transition for me.
With harvest wrapping up early, I could focus on not one, but TWO launches on our website, followed immediately by a fast and furious lambing session.
Needless to say, November went FAST.
It was also a month where my body went on strike.
And no amount of negotiating seemed to lead us anywhere at the bargaining table.
It's a funny thing, our health…
When you feel good, you don't think or appreciate what your body does on a daily basis.
But OMG, when we don't have our health…
It's all you can think about.
With me it seems to be a balancing act.
I love what I do so much that I push through, when my aging body warns me to chill out a bit. My passion can blur my common sense, and this month I really paid the price.
But we've made it to December, the weight of the launches and lambing has subsided and although tired, I'm feeling much better.
A barn full of the cutest baby lambs doesn't hurt in the healing process either.
I just want to thank you all for the kindness and love you've shown me and my family as I sort of went down this month.
The support you've also given us through these launches has blown me away… and although it's been challenging, when I get messages from you all it fills me with so much happiness and I immediately start thinking about the next potential drop!
If you've made it this far in this monthly verbal diarrhea, bless. lol.
December is looking a bit quieter, but can't wait to spend more time with Mark and the kids, my friends and my family.
December is also the month I love to do Vlogmas over on Youtube…
A tradition on my channel that has become a favourite of mine and a time where I can share perhaps a little more ‘me’ of Sheepishly Me.
So join me on a little more frequent upload schedule this December… lots of new babies to share with you all!!
love you all,
enjoy December and all it's magic.